Router Table
Router Tables
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A router table can improve the quality of work produced by a router. A routers versatility makes a router something you don't want to be without, a router table bumps your game up to a higher level. Choosing the right table router for you can only be done by matching your own personal requirements with the capabilities of each router table available.
Choosing a Router Table In the simplest terms, a router table consists of a flat table surface with a router attached to the bottom. The router is mounted with its base attached to the underside of the table and the bit sticking up through a hole in table's surface. The table holds the router securely, leaving the woodworker free to keep both hands on the workpiece during the cut. But there's a little more to it than that: to be effective, a router table has to meet certain criteria. And if you're in the market for new table, you'll have plenty of features and options to sort through. To help you make the best decision, here are some of the most important factors to consider.
The differences between a router bit and a shaper cutter is rather large, and while they both serve the same basic function, the methods of use can be quite different. For one, router bits are made from a single piece of high speed from the shaft to the cutter. This is just a split circular tapered ring which squeezes against the bit, as the collet nut is tightened. Some of these steel blanks form the cutter as well, while others have the same shaft and cutter head, but with the addition of a carbide tips brazed to them.
Router tables depending if you think about buying or making your own, you should take at least some basic planning into your project. Being one of the most versatile tools in a workshop, a router table must have certain features. Lets start with some basic principles before looking into details.
The popularity of big hand-held routers and their relatively low cost along with economical cutters for them make it natural for them to be used inverted in a table. This configuration gives the router the ability to perform much the same way as a shaper and gives rise to the question “what is the difference between a router table and a shaper?”.
How Much Router Table Should I Buy?
Buying a router table can be a confusing experience. Which one do you need? Which size, how many features do I really need? What's the difference between tables? In this article we will discuss features to look for and tables you can eliminate in your search.
A router table adds a new dimension to your woodworking because of its amazing versatility. For such a simple concept, a spinning blade, the router table has so many different profiles. I have always said that when you put your project on the router table it is wood, when you take it off, its furniture. Here are the top reasons why you want a router table in your shop.
80% of all routing can be done on the router table; some guys do "it" all on the table, others are convinced the hand router is all they need. To be sure, there are times when one method is preferred over the other. Template fixturing, for example, is a lot more difficult to render for the router table than the hand router, especially when safety and quality of cut are factored in.
I get asked a lot about building lost cost router tables that have lots of features and work well in the shop. I stumbled across this one and thought that I would elaborate on it and share it with you. The table is originally a router table extension for a table saw.
Buying Routers for a Router Table, Part 1
Lets get to the logic portion of the article first so that we can build around it. Almost all the name brand routers available are good routers to own. Some people swear by brand "x" and some people swear by brand "y" I say, who cares, as long as you pick something that works for you, and has a good reputation.
Buying Routers for a Router Table, Part 2
These two sizes match the two sizes of router bits sold. So why do you need both? 1/2" bits are more robust than 1/4" bits. If your doing larger jobs like raised panel, you want a little more strength in your bit size which mostly relates to safety. 1/4" sized bits are more widely available in a larger variety of styles. If your looking for some smaller bits for smaller details (like a small cove bit) they most likely come with a 1/4" diameter. Most routers accept both. If they don't, it is somewhat limiting, so I recommend buying a router that has both collets.