Woodturning Jigs, and Lathe Chucks
Woodturning Jigs, and Lathe Chucks
How to get the most from chucks, jigs, centers, and face-plates. Various mounting methods for spindles, bowls, and hollow turnings, including the differences between spindle mounting centers, store bought chucks, homemade jamb chucks, face plate mountings, and vacuum clamping.
Jigs Basics Woodworking Jigs and safety, Kreg k4, Shelf Pin Jigs, Templates, and Introductions to Jigs and Joints. Woodturning Jigs
More advance turning project require more advance jigs. Often if you find a job repetitive and difficult there is a jig to make your life easier.
Once you make or purchase a jig it is important to use it correctly. Many jigs are self evident in how they work, but other that a little instruction.
In a vacuum chuck, air is pumped from a cavity behind the workpiece, and atmospheric pressure provides the holding force.
Woodturning use a number of jigs many of which can be made in-shop.
A chuck is a specialized type of clamp used to hold an object, to hold a rotating work piece blank in the headstock spindle of a lathe.
There a several occasion when a homemade chuck becomes desirable to complete a particular project. While making your own chuck is not common it might save you money, or make a project feasible.