Basic Wood Carving
Basic Wood Carving
Although it's common for people to think you can pickup a random piece of wood, and a steak knife or of the kitchen and carve a piece of art, it doesn't really work that way. Having the right supplies, and the right piece of wood is essential to learning the skills needed.Wood Carving Basics for Beginners
Wood carving is a kind of art that transforms and brings wood to life. Learn how it's possible to get started in wood sculpting and wood engraving. What used to be called whittling, something done by pops and granddads to use up their spare time, has developed into a full-scale hobby. Walk into any book store and it isn't difficult to find a complete section dedicated to wood working and wood carving. Carvers can scan many monthly magazines dedicated to the hobby or make a journey to the hardware store to find many tools designed specifically with wood carving in mind.
This is the beginner's page to getting started. It is designed for someone who has little or no knowledge of how to get started. Remember carving is carving regardless of the subject. There are as many ways to carve and as many subjects as you can imagine. It is important to know your subject or do some studying before starting. It will make a difference on the finished piece. Most people think it takes talent to carve however, I believe most of the carving is basic knowledge of the processes. Of course there is some talent involved when you create realistic subjects. You can get started with basic tools. Use a soft wood like Pine, Basswood or if you are floating a decoy try cork for the body. Any combination of materials can be used.
Wood carving is a type of sculpture that in the past has been used for religious and funerary art but these days is mostly used for purely decorative art. Many different styles of home decor sculptures and garden sculptures are made from wood. Wood carving is a difficult art to learn and people that are skilled at wood carving can charge high prices for their work because wood carved sculptures are always in high demand for home decorating. There are seven commonly used methods of wood carving. Each one is used to create a different type of effect using different wood carving tools.
Wood carving is one of the oldest forms of sculpture. Wood was used in ancient Egypt for figure sculpture and in Oriental countries for ornamenting temples and shrines. Wood carving has also been a prominent craft in primitive cultures. Typical primitive wood sculptures are ceremonial masks, funerary figures, and other ritual objects. The Indian tribes of the American Northwest are noted for their huge totem poles, which are carved in relief and painted.
Wood Carving: Making Your Hobby a Business
Hobbies are frequently turned into successful businesses and wood carving is no different. Whether you are a beginner or novice, here are some things about turning your passion for wood carving into a business. Many successful people who have made their own business have simply turned their hobby into a career. A wood carving career is no different than someone who sells a one-of-a-kind product. However, one main difference is that the wood carver usually takes time and care to give his customer the very best. Making a business out of wood carving can be done and there are many ways to market your product, get your name out into the world, and start making sales one wood carving by one wood carving.
I had carved for many years, my apprenticeship coming from my great grandfather who did his apprenticeship in Germany. When he agreed to teach me, he did so in the same manner that he was trained, my first summer with him was spent sharpening, nothing else. Year after year it progressed from there. Technically I was very proficient, I could carve just about anything I could see faithfully onto the wood, but all of my carvings were "flat" in the sense that they had no life in my opinion. Everybody but me thought they were great. I continued on in this manner for many years, doing a lot of work, and actually making some money, but I considered myself a craftsman rather than an artist.(nothing wrong with craftsmen, it just wasn't enough for me) Then I got a commission a number of years back to fashion a replacement for a ceremonial carving in a native longhouse.