Marketing your Woodwork Pieces
Marketing your Woodwork Pieces
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Selling your pieces includes picking the correct markets, pricing your piece correctly, and knowing the correct sales channels. It important to know if you are trying to run a viable business, or just trying to move your pieces.Selling your Woodwork on the Internet
If you plan on selling your pieces online, then you can go one of two ways with a blog. What I mean is, you can set your site up to be strictly a retail site. Simple, clean, and engaging. Design it around the ideal experience for the ideal customer. Make it simple to find the pieces for sale and buy them. A site like this can certainly do very well without a blog. This is due to the fact that all the emotional connection is done through the experience on the site.
Starting A Woodworking Business
If you have a passion for woodworking, whether you like to make small artistic craft items or larger furniture and so on then the great news is that you really can turn your passion into profit by starting your own business.
When considering to sell any of your woodturning projects, you have to consider several factors. For example, what do you want to sell, how much to sell the items for (labor, supplies, wear and tear on equipment are all factors) and possibly, is this a supplemental income or is this for a living. There are many reasons why one would want to sell their woodturned items, but we should also exam why you would not want to sell them as well.
Marketing and Pricing Woodturning Skills
Many prospective professional turners may think, that once they have become proficient and can work quickly and accurately, they are well on their way to making the transition from hobbyist to full-time professional.
Beginners Guide to Marketing Your Crafts
There comes a point in time where you come to the realization that in order to make more room in your studio or craft area you will need to part with your creations. You have covered all the major holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries. You have even made up a few because your sure that somewhere in this whole wide world, some one is celebrating something and you present your craft as a gift to any available family member.
Times have changed. What used to be a casual, old fashioned, town square market-like business has developed into a full-fledged industry and is becoming more widely recognized as a major contributor to this country's economy. This means that there are more sales in more venues, with newer methods of selling, and the crafter -- like any business person -- will have to become more business-minded to compete. There are still some simple things you can do to increase your success, if you plan right. But be careful, as statistics show you are entering an increasingly professional, competitive marketplace.
How to Sell Your Wood Carvings
If you are reading this article it is likely you find yourself proficient enough in wood carving to think others may want to purchase what you have carved. Assuming you are not deluding yourself and your wood carvings are of reasonable quality, you should carefully think about your goals. Do you wood carve for a hobby, and are the carvings good? If so, consider starting a woodcarving business that not only lets you work at what you like best, but also makes you some money at the same time. Original, interesting and unique woodcarvings sell like crazy in the right retail environment, such as arts and crafts shows and specialty retail shops.