Wood Types and Characteristics
Introduction to Wood Types
and Characteristics
Each variety of wood has its own characteristics to be thought-out when building a project. The type of wood you choose determines its attractiveness through color, texture and strength of your finished work.
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Exploring Wood And Wood Sizes Before starting a project you need to do some research in the type of wood to use. Some woods are cheap and easy to work with, other are strong and resistant to the environment, some pleasing to the eye, and everything in between. You'll want to choose a wood that adds to your project. Selecting the Right Wood Knowing about wood and wood types makes selecting the correct wood for your project, and makes choosing the right project for the wood you have on hand, much easier.
Each type of wood has it own advantages and disadvantage, choosing the right combination adds to the quality built into any piece. Knowing some about trees adds to your know of the wood that comes from the trees.
There are choices other than natural woods that often can be used, factors including cost and appearance allow choices that historically were not available.
Creative Woods for Woodworking
What you use for any given project depends on various factors: strength, hardness, grain characteristics, cost, stability, weight, color, durability and availability. Some choices are more exotic and can give very unique results.
Plywood is a type of manufactured lumber made from sheets of thin wood veneer. It is a widely used wood products, inexpensive, recyclable, flexible, workable, and can often locally manufactured.
A variety of factors keep someone from determining what type of wood they have. Learning how to this correctly identify wood requires learning what wood really is, becoming familiar with the process can greatly enhance your appreciation of woodworking and carpentry in general.
Distinguishing Red and White Oak
Not so fast. There are all sorts of color variations seen in oak lumber, depending not only on the exact species of oak, but also from the growing conditions from tree to tree. From first glance, just going by color, (especially if the wood has a stain applied to it), it can be difficult to tell the two apart. So, how do you tell the two apart, and why would you want to? First I’ll cover a few quick ways to tell the two groups apart, and then I’ll describe the working properties and characteristics of each group. But before we start, let’s take a look at the two groups, and which oaks fall into which groups.