Finishing Techniques for Projects
Finishing Techniques for Projects
There are many different ways to finish any piece that you are working with, and different techniques that come with each. Over time you will come up with your favorites, but knowing others is helpful when situations arise where the standard option is not the best.
When applying multiple coats of varnish, With each new coat of varnish, the surface may potentially get a little bit more uneven as the varnish may not sit evenly on surfaces, especially surfaces that are not horizontal. A light sanding between coats is not enough to level this out. This results in a smooth, but slightly wavy surface.
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The cleanup can be a pain. Setup is no big deal though. And I do think its worth it. But if you have doubts, you can always use spray cans on small projects. Its more expensive and a little wasteful, but that’s the trade off for less work. I did two projects in a row so I just kept the finish in the gun and moved on to the next project.Krylon Spray Stain
When I first heard of this product I was a bit skeptical, after all how could someone actually put a stain in a spray can that wouldn't clog up the nozzle. Well, someone at Krylon figured out how to do it, and it works like a charm. I am quite familiar with Krylon products, I have used a number of them and they are all excellent.
When it comes to wood, there's just something about an aged look that's oh-so appealing. And it's a look you can accomplish with a little DIY magic -- even if your wood furnishings are brand new. Wood harvested long ago is stronger and has a tighter grain that most wood grown today. But say you've scored brand new wood furnishing -- a mantel, a bookcase, or a curtain rod, as discussed here. Raw wood furnishings are inexpensive, but you can give them the look of a valuable antique. You can actually make the wood look old and weathered if distress it by hand.
The Secret To A Long Shelf Life
When an oil-based finish turns to gel or starts to solidify in any way, that means its starting to cure in the can. This is a non-reversible process so its a good indicator that the finish should be disposed of. Oil-based finishes cure by oxidation, so the more fresh air the finish sees, the faster it will cure. There are a few things you can do to slow down this process and make your finish last longer, and they all involve minimizing the finishes exposure to oxygen.
High Gloss Pour-On Epoxy Finish
I tried Two-part epoxy system on a table top this past summer. Famowood Glaze Coat is a pour-on epoxy coating. This ultra-clear, high-gloss finishing epoxy is ideal for home improvement and craft projects. Just one coat equals 60 coats of varnish.
Secret to Applying 'Tried & True' Varnish Oil
Tried & True Original is the only finish I use. And yes, it is all natural. I have a birch walking staff that I merely peeled the bark from and scraped smooth. I applied 4 coats of T&T Original, following the directions, and the grain that came out was spectacular. In fact, it is no longer my staff.
Shop-made wood plugs are quick and fun to make and a great way for hiding screw heads. Follow along our process for the keys to this shop technique.
The Correct Use of Paint Removers or Stripper
Directions for Hand Stripping.