Lathe Chuck Tips
Lathe Chuck Tips
A chuck is a specialized type of clamp used to hold an object, to hold a rotating work piece blank in the headstock spindle of a lathe.
Installing and Removing a Lathe Chuck If you turn wood, you own, or will own, a chuck. Modern lathe chucks, like the One-way Talon 4-jaw scroll chuck in the accompanying photos, are well made and easy to use. However, there is one problem nearly everyone encounters sooner or later with a chuck regardless of brand – getting it off the lathe.
For many, Lathe Chucks are the most convenient way to turn bowls, plates and similar objects. Your workpiece doesn't have to be screwed solidly to a faceplate. No more screws going through the bottom of your turning...or gluing “scrap” blocks to your blank then screwing them to the faceplate.
Which Chuck? Using Chuck and 'Spiot or Recess'
Simple Chucking Socket & Spigot Marking Gauges
In wood turning most things vary every time you pick up a piece of wood, one thing that stays consistent and does not vary over time are the jaw dimensions of your chosen chuck system. This fact means that if you make some simple marking gauges you only ever need to research and measure the distances once, leaving the use of calipers, rules etc. to the more creative tasks.
Art whipped up this chuck from plans published on Fred Holder's website.