Making your own Woodturning Tools
Making your own Woodturning Tools
Making your own tools is a make you are getting the quality you desire at of a less expensive monetary cost. Many custom turns do not have a commercial equivalent, so been able to make you own tools can be invaluable. Make Your Own Woodturning Tools
Wood turners as creative thinkers want to make tools that will make the perfect cut and finish. If you are a beginner, you can follow guidelines from experts, however those with experience in wood turning often make their own tools.
Making a Compression Nut Ferrule
Making a Compression Nut Ferrule enables you to easily produce one or more bowls from a single block of timber. Removing several bowls from the center of each blank saves time, money and allows significant conservation of expensive, or highly figured timbers. Here is my step by step method of making a ferrule for a chisel or other tool handle using a compression nut for a ferrule. The advantage of using a compression nut is that it is threaded onto the handle, and therefore it won’t come loose.
The search for the perfect woodturning tool steel has mistakenly taken some to believe that carbide turning tools are the "answer" because they don't need to be sharpened as often as a traditional turning tool steel.
Making Your Own Thread Chasers for Woodturning
I wanted to give chasing threads on my wood lathe a try but did not want to invest in an expensive commercial set of chasers. So I decided to make my own. This web page describes the method I used. Hopefully, other turners will find this information to be useful.
How to make a Mini-Coving tool
This article describes how to make a Mini-Coving tool. I’ve found it incredibly easy to make, easy to use and very versatile. The Mini-Coving tool cuts as a shear scraper, so it leaves a surface that needs little sanding.
How to make a Mini-Coving tool
Wood turners are tool "junkies." There is the dream that given the perfect tool we will make the prefect cut. If we only the tool of Gee Whiz the wood turner we too could be just as good.