Varieties of Wood
Varieties of Wood
Each type of wood has it own advantages and disadvantage, choosing the right combination adds to the quality built into any piece. Knowing some about trees adds to your know of the wood that comes from the trees.
Cherry lumber is one of the most attractive hardwoods available, but it is not always the easiest to work with. Woodworkers with patience and determination, however, are finding that the deep colors and hardiness of projects made with cherry lumber are well worth the effort.
Cedar lumber can add beauty to many different woodworking projects. Cedar lumber has many great qualities, which make it excellent for both indoor and outdoor furniture, flooring, and cabinetry. One of the things that cedar is most famous for is its enchanting scent. This scent can be especially nice for dressers, armories, and other cabinetry used to store clothing. Cedar wood is also noted for its durability in outdoor projects even untreated boxes, decks, and sheds made with cedar lumber can last for many years.
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Mahogany lumber is a very highly prized hardwood, and has been used to make many different products. Large scale uses of mahogany lumber include boats and flooring. Mahogany wood has also been used in furniture construction, outdoor furnishings, and plywood. A brief look at the qualities of mahogany wood will show why it has become so popular with many woodworkers. Trees
In order to appreciate the properties of wood it is worthwhile knowing something about the trees from whence it comes. Trees are members of a division of the Plant kingdom known as Spermatophyta (seed bearing plants).
Arizona Tree Identification for Woodturning Wiki
Pictures of the trees bark, leaves, fruit, flowers and woodturning made from the wood are provided if available. Addition information of woodturning properties and warning about the wood are listed at the bottom of each page. Woodturners in Arizona have a wide variety of hardwoods that would be considered exotics in most areas of the country.
Illinois State Museum guide to trees. Today, Illinois boasts a rich diversity of forests. They dominate the landscape in the southern part of the State, where they range from dry upland forests to cypress swamps. Throughout the rest of the state they exist as groves or savannas in the middle of prairies, or along streams and rivers.
The Kauri species originate on the northern island of New Zealand and are said to date back to prehistoric times (Between 130 to 180 million years ago). Kauri trees still grow today due to their unique ability to interact with soil and have been able to compete with more evolved and faster growing species in the same family.