Using a Radial-Arm Saw
Using a Radial-Arm Saw
Before purchasing a Radial-Arm saw learn exactly what it can do. If you already own others saws, you might save some money instead of purchasing one. But if you buy one early on you might save money not having to buy all the other saws.
Replacing the Surface on a Radial Arm Saw Nearly all radial-arm saws are designed with a metal base, to which a replaceable wooden surface can be affixed. There are a number of reasons for this design, but probably predominant in the list is that for many cuts, the blade of the radial-arm saw will actually cut into the table top. How to Change a Radial Arm Saw Blade
A radial arm saw is a great invention that places a rotary saw on a stationary arm. The saw functions best when the radial arm saw blade is sharp. It doesn't take long to change your saw blade. You'll need less than 15 minutes once you get the hang of it, and only simple tools are needed for the job.
Radial Arm Saw Alignment Step-By-Step Instructions for Aligning Your Saw.Radial-Arm Saw Tips The radial-arm saw tends to get a bad rap from many woodworkers, likely because they require a good bit of space to operate. Since many woodworkers work out of a garage wood shop where space is at a premium, the radial-arm frequently falls into disfavor, being overlooked for other tools. However, there may not be a more versatile woodworking machine. Learn how to get the most out of your radial-arm saw with these radial-arm saw tips. Difference Between Radial Arm Saw & Table Saw
While they both perform most of the same range of woodworking functions and are generally chosen for experience and personal preference, the table saw and radial arm saw are distinct examples of contemporary carpentry equipment.
Revisiting an Old Friend - the Radial Arm Saw
Sometimes the best deals in tools can be made by looking to the past. In the decade when "sliding compound" and "chop" saws are the norm, why would anyone even want to consider a Radial Arm Saw ? I must admit I haven't had much to do with Radial Arm Saws for years, and like many others, had purchased a sliding compound saw. I never was in love with the sliding compound.