Organizing your Woodwork Tools
Organizing your Woodwork Tools
Organizing your tools is a low-cost yet efficient way to organize your home shop, while making it easier to keep track of all your tools.
Wall-mounted perforated hardboard provides ideal tool storage as long as you can get the hanger "pegs" to stay put. Faced with that challenge, we designed tool holders that attach firmly, but take only a minute or two to move to a new, more convenient location on the perforated hardboard.
Sawhorse Plans: How to Build a Sawhorse for your Workshop
Not every woodworking shop have sawhorses, but you'll find them a useful and versatile item to have at hand. A sawhorse can be used as a short-term table, workbench or benchtop stand, and can be use as a workbench extender or to as a temporary lumber self. Build your own sawhorses allows you to customize them to your own needs and wood shop requirements.
Tools are needed not just by woodworking enthusiasts but also by home makers. Drilling nails, fixing shelves or simply assembling a doll’s house will require a basic set of tools. Here are ideas and tips on how to assemble and organize a basic tool kit and look after it easily and properly.
For decades, slat-wall systems have been darlings of retailers for their showrooms and shops. Today, the same product concept takes its place in home shops across the USA.
Tool-O-Dex Plans: Build the Ultimate DIY Tool Rack
Typical workshop pegboards are too small for a big tool collection. The solution? Take a cue from the office Rolodex and build a Tool-O-Dex, a pegboard flip book that packs 64 square feet of storage into 8 feet of wall space.
A lot of people use pegboard to hold tools within easy reach on the wall. While offering lots of flexibility, I personally find pegboard a little ugly. It's much nicer to make a bunch of custom holders out of wood to hold the various tools. Of course, making these is surprisingly time consuming, but the result is very satisfying. The screwdriver holder is easiest to make. It's just a board attached to the wall, with a lot of holes in it. There's also a slot to hold the scissors. Because it's just to the right of the drill press, I use some of the holes for drill chuck keys.
I am finishing my new 24' x 30' shop, located under my attached garage. The shop is separated from the basement of the house by a 12" insulated concrete form wall. I installed a separate furnace with heavy-duty filters and its own exhaust and return air, so as not to contaminate the house air. I have the basic idea laid out for dust collection and air filtration.
My current tool storage consists of pegboards on the wall, a hodge-podge of small cabinets and plastic drawers spread around the shop, and a shop-built rolling cart. My biggest complaint, as always, is lack of space and accessibility. I have to move all around the shop, open things up, and hunt around for tools. That inevitably leads to me leaving things out and piled up, which just makes finding them again harder.