Building a Woodshop - Equipment Plans
Building a Woodshop - Equipment Plans
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These plans are for a simple workbench you would build for your garage or along the wall in your shop. It is a sturdy bench, built simply, but to last as long as the structure you put it in.
FREE Woodworking Plans for Tools and Jigs
Quick & Dirty Pocket Hole Drilling Jig
Tired of going through a contortionist act every time you want to drill pocket holes into face frames? So was I, and I quickly devised this simple jig to hold it all in place. Here are my instructions and some photos to help you build a basic DIY pocket hole setup jig for drilling face frames. Nothing fancy -- just a simple jig that you can quickly assemble in a few minutes of your spare time using mere scraps of wood that you probably have laying around anyway. This homemade jig is conveniently held in a woodworker's vise and only requires a few clamps to hold your workpiece in place.
A Simple Jig For Cutting Cylindrical Bowl Blanks on the Band Saw
Before turning a bowl blank on the lathe, it is necessary to round it off. After all, you don't want to spend all day whacking corners off a square object with your chisels on the lathe. To solve this, one would normally cut the circle free hand on the band saw. This jig makes it easy to cut near-perfect cylindrical blanks on your band saw. The jig is constructed from thin Baltic birch plywood and a few fasteners, and can be constructed in an hour or so.