Buying and Using a New Jointer
Buying and Using a Jointer
Understanding exact what a jointer will and won't do will allow you to use a jointer to its fullest degree, and allow you to produce from the best possible material. The jointers primary function is to produce flat edges on boards prior to joining them edge-to-edge The use of this term probably arises from the name of a type of hand plane, the jointer plane, which is also used primarily for this purpose.
What A Jointer Will Do For Your Woodworking While the jointer can be used as a planer for small pieces of lumber, the principal function of this woodworking machine is to put a straight, smooth, level edge or edges on a board in preparation for edge-to-edge glue-up. Rabbeting can be accomplished on some jointers but I prefer to use the table saw for this task. Chamfering, or making angled cuts, can be performed by tilting the fence.
I am new to woodworking and finding that about ninety percent of my projects revolve around just to setting up. I am sure thisis true for most woodworkers who are just starting out. This is one such project, I bought this thirty year old jointer could have used it with a little fine tuning straight from the storage unit, but I wanted that new feel when purchased as a unused tool.
Jointer Basics Understanding this Machine
Many projects require the ability to make a square edge on a board. There are a number of methods to perform this task, nothing matches the performance, precision, and repeatability delivered by a jointer. Getting the jointer to deliver to its potential is not particularly difficult, it requires proper guideline which can be simplified into a few important guidelines. Not following these techniques can lead to frustration, and serious issue with your projects.
Two Views On Jointer Ownership
We got into the "You don't need a jointer / you can't live without a jointer" discussion. I am the one who can't live without it. Four power tools in my shop are absolute necessities for me, table saw, jointer, router, & thickness planer. I edge join practically every board on every project whether that edge is going to be "joined" to another or not. All exposed edges on my projects were run across the jointer before they were sanded.
These simple techniques will ensure that your jointer really earns its keep. You'll not only appreciate this workshop workhorse more, you'll get better results and great production, too. Feeding stock with the grain running "downhill" from the out-feed table and away from the knives rotation produces the best results. If grain runs in several directions, position the board so that most of it runs in that direction. End grain generally should not be jointed because the knives will shatter any unsupported portion of it.
Should You Buy a 6″ or 8″ Jointer?
I am setting up a woodworking hobby shop. Would you recommend a 6 or 8 inch jointer. A 6″ jointer will certainly get you by, so I don’t want you thinking an 8″ jointer is a requirement for high quality work. I know many people who get along quite nicely with small bench top jointers and even some crazy individuals who would rather use their #7 jointer plane to get the job done.
A dedicated jointer will always be the best choice for straightening the edge of a board. With proper setup and technique an edge can be made reasonably straight and square with a router. However, the limitations of relatively short router table fences and the minuscule contact area of a router bit bearing make it nearly impossible for a router to match the accuracy of a real jointer.
Should I Buy A Jointer or Planer First?
A frequent question from new and a surprising number of veteran woodworkers is whether to buy a jointer or planer first. Nearly all want both machines but trying to keep the budget in sight can mean one must come before the other. After reading many opposing views on this dilemma, some based on rather "unusual" justifications, I decided to give common sense a try to come up with an answer.