Wood-working artisan featured at gallery
Post date: May 9, 2011 11:51:19 PM
Working primarily with cherry, maple and walnut, Keates has fashioned stylish sets of bowls, shaker boxes and pepper mills. And on those occasions when his creative urge has been accompanied by a little whimsy, he’s even carved out the odd yo-yo.
“I’ve just always liked the feel of wood and working with it,” said Keates, who’s shown his work on the Milton Studio Tour and at the Dufferin County Museum, and is also part of the 200-member Golden Horseshoe Wood Turners Guild. “I get a lot of satisfaction from it.”
Added Vee, “Ken’s always seemed to like working with his hands. He’s also baked a lot over the years, but once he got back into woodworking there were no more cakes.”