Finishing Techniques
Finishing Techniques
Knowing good finishing technique will allow you to make piece that standout. Poor technique will often case you piece to look like it was poorly made.
The 4 Secrets to a good finish
I have only four things to say about finishing, whether it is pens, bowls, or anything else made from turned wood. I know that none of this is what anyone wants to hear because everyone wants finishing to be all about fast.
We need to be able to answer a question about food safety with a confident, 'Yes'. No explanation. No qualifications. We have already lost the sale if we have to explain the chemistry of the finish we have put on a salad bowl.
Common finishing problems. How to fix them, how to keep them from happening again.
Wood can be colored with chemical or natural stains and dyes in solid or mixed colors, and accented with gilt, liming wax, or patinating wax in an unlimited number of variations.
The purpose of sanding is really quite simple, to remove the minor imperfections left by the gouge when turning, thus enhancing the finish and appearance of the turned piece. It is not a process for shaping or removing large amounts of wood, although if we were all honest, we have been guilty of that in the past, and no doubt will be again in the future.
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