Reciprocating Saws: The Saber Saw Part II
Reciprocating Saws: The Saber Saw Part II
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Cutting patterns
This is what the Saber Saw does best. However, most of us make the mistake of using an old blade to make these cuts. For making a rough cut, the old blade is fine. To aim for a perfect cut, however, install a brand-new blade, one that is suitable for the type of cut you want, and let the tool do the cutting. Never push the tool hard into the wood or turn the blade hard into the cut -- both will result in a rough cut and may even bend the blade.
If the blade bends, it will begin cutting at an angle. When this happens in the middle of a cut, backing out the blade and cutting again may not square the cut, even though the blade may not be permanently bent. Pushing too hard heats up the blade and will result in the blade bending or in premature wear-out. pushing can be felt and heard. You will not be able get the tool to move appreciably faster with excessive pushing, and you will hear the tool's motor labor more.
A Saber Saw with a scrolling feature means that the saw blade assembly can be rotated, usually 360 degrees. A lock keeps the blade assembly from moving during a cut. For cuts in a variety of directions, the assembly can be unlocked so that you determine the direction of the cut. This is a great feature for making intricate, curved cuts. Most manufacturers allow the blade to be locked at 90 degree settings.
Sometimes a cut results in the saw's pad being off the edge. In these situations the pad may not give you firm tool control. Therefore, by setting the scroll assembly 180 degrees, the pad can rest firmly on the material while you cut, backing up the saw.
A cordless Saber Saw is invaluable for many situations. The short-term energy source (battery) does not really make the cordless saw enticing, however. It is great for short-term cutting, but the tool does not have enough battery power for working on jobs that require more than 15 minutes of continuous cutting.
The cordless saw is appropriate for cutting a vent opening at home or at a cottage where power is not available. As a staple of the workshop, however, the cordless saw may be a disappointing addition.
Speed is rated as strokes per minute. The more strokes per minute, the faster the tool cuts. This may be fine in wood but not in metal. When cutting metal, the tool works best at a slower stroke, this is the rationale applied to cutting other material types. A single-speed Reciprocating Saw will suit most workshop purposes.
If you seek more cutting control, variable-speed tools are available that can be set to cut from between 0 to 3200 strokes per minute. Speed also must take into account the tool's length of stroke. A tool with higher number of strokes per minute and a shorter stroke may cut slower than a tool with fewer strokes per minute but a longer stroke. To compare the real cutting ability of different tools, multiply the cutting stroke times the maximum strokes per minute. The resulting figure will be a truer measure of the tool's real cutting ability.