Sanding Wood and Wood Finishing Types
Sanding Wood, and Wood Finishing Types
The final step to any project is often done slapdash, or just not to the standards of the rest of the project. For a truly standout piece, finishing correctly is of the utmost importance.
Sandpaper Basics Sandpaper has a number of uses, and with the use comes a number of grits and grades to do the job. Knowing how to sandpaper, and which type to use will make you life easier, and increase the quality of your output.
Before a piece is finished it needs to be prepared correctly. One of the most important steps is to have in sanded correctly and the wood fully prepared for the finish.
Unique situation require specific techniques to correctly and efficiently sand pieces. Knowing various techniques, along with properly reading the wood allows for the best possible finished piece.
The are a number of strategies and techniques that are used in specialized areas of woodworking.
Ebonizing, Fuming, and the Power of the Sun
Changing the color and look of wood can be complete with techniques outside of the traditional wood strain. There are a large number of techniques and procedure than are use to improve the overall look of the wood used in any project.
There are a number of oils, waxes, shellacs, lacquer, varnish, (and a number of techniques including fuming, ebonizing, straining) which can be used to finish wood. Picking the right option for each specific situation allows for the best possible finish for each piece.
For many types of wood the wood grains are not as attractive as wood found in high end furniture. To finished these less attractive woods it is often best to cover they with some type of paint of stain.
Classic varnish, lacquer, and shellac are often the best possible finish for many jobs. Knowing which to use in various projects, will allow the proper finish to be chosen in each situation.
With the ever-more strict regulation of wood finishes containing VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and a general increase in consciousness of health and environmental issues, more and more woodworkers are doing something they never thought they’d do: making the switch to waterborne wood finishes. In this article, we'll take a look at how far waterborne finishes have come in recent years, and what makes them a viable choice for just about any woodworking project. We'll also offer a couple of tips on applying waterborne, and point out a couple of top picks.